Importing and Exporting Users

The Import and Export functions allow you to configure MAPS quickly by loading a list of usernames from a CSV or XML file. If you are moving users from one server to another, you can export the users and then import them on the new server. If you are creating your list of users based on a previous system, you can set up a file manually or through your previous system, and then import it into MAPS.

File Format

MAPS provides two formats that you can use when importing and exporting users: CSV and XML.

CSV files can easily be edited using spreadsheet programs, and are very human-readable. XML files are specified using Extensible Markup Language, and are commonly used to share data between programs or over the internet. You can view and edit them using a text editor, but they are not as easy to read as CSV files.

Difference between CSV and XML Formats

If you need to include user role, group, or custom field information in the file, you should use XML format, as the CSV format does not support these options.

When importing from a file, if you do not have data for a particular field it can be left blank and updated later. Some fields, such as the GUID and last logon date, cannot be updated via the import file as they contain system-defined information. Other fields will necessarily be blank, such as the LdapDN for a MAPS user, or CasID if your institution does not use CAS.


The import file can contain up to 24 available fields, in any order. The first row of the file must contain the headers that identify the fields for each column.

Sample CSV file


The import file can contain up to 24 tags for each user, plus any number of optional <Role> and <Group> tags. The header information is specified in the XML tags.

Sample XML file


The Import and Export buttons at the top of the Users screen